
Animated short

Qoi animation

”Qoi – The Polar Bear Cub” is an animated short film in progress. The intention is to introduce the youngest viewers to the wildlife of the Arctic world by addressing their curiosity.

My aim is to investigate how the movements of a real bear cub can be translated into a stop motion model made of steel and wool, and portray an animated bear in a way that is dramatically interesting but without using anthropomorphism.

I studied the skeleton of a real polar bear and made a draft of which parts in the armature that needed to be movable. The body was shaped by using foam rubber and felted wool. I spent a lot of time watching still images and documentary films of polar bears before I started to animate. After deconstructing and translating cycles of walk and gallop, I started to improvise movement patterns based on the knowledge that I had gathered. During these sessions, the character of Qoi slowly started to grow.

Sketches, models, Dragonframe, After Effects, Premiere

Productionyear: 2017

Alice skisser
tovning Qoi
Qoi felting
Qoi the polar bear
Qoi performance Kaboom festival
Qoi animated walk

Artistic team:
Models and Animation: Helene Berg.
Scriptwriter: Marianne Strand

Aspera Conference, Brisbane, Australia 2017
Almedalen, (Formas tent) Gotland, Sweden 2017
Dupont Underground, Washington, USA 2017
Kaboom Animation Festival, Amsterdam, Neatherlands 2017
Kilkenny Animated Festival, Ireland, 2018
Candyland, Stockholm, Sweden 2022